Four-colour printing

Multi-colour finish created with a blend of transparent CMYK inks.

The stamp is applied with screen printing: the four colours are printed separately, one on each screen. When superimposing one colour over the other, the multi-colour image is created on the fabric.

This is thanks to separating the colours, previously working the sections of each colour with dots. It is done digitally. The cyan, magenta, yellow and key are separated (CMYK).

This provides a soft texture. Since the ink is transparent, the colours mix together, thus creating very colourful and real images.

A realer image is obtained when working with white or light-coloured fabric. For use with a dark garment, we first print on a white layer, over which the four colours are printed.

The final result is soft to the touch, thanks to its transparent texture.

Multi-colour finish created with a blend of transparent CMYK inks.
Multi-colour finish created with a blend of transparent CMYK inks.
Multi-colour finish created with a blend of transparent CMYK inks.
Multi-colour finish created with a blend of transparent CMYK inks.